Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner was a very interesting story about a woman who kept to herself once she lost her father and the "love of her life." Her father didn't allow for her to have acquatnces so once he died, she was all aone. I believe that Emily came from a highly respected family, but the town started talking about her. I think that they were jealous of her family and that is why they continued to enjoy her sadness. It seemed that they wanted her to be down and thats why they gossipped about her and stayed in her business.

Emily seemed to become a cold person as she got older and I don't balme her. When Homer Baron came to town, he basically swept her off her feet. She had never experienced love so most likely he was her first love. The town gossipped about them getting married and when he left they were ahppy to some extent. They just wished she could've been embarrassed in front everyone. Emily's character was sort of scary. When she brought poison, it showed even more of how crazy she was.

The ending wasn't such a surprise to me. I figured that she had killed Homer so he would never leave her again. I have watched alot of "Snapped" on the Oxygen channel and many of the women killed the their husbands or the ones they loved with poision. An expert said that when woman murdered it was usually by poison. The fact that she killed him and was most likely laying next to his dead body didn't seem that outrageous because she desperately wanted to be with him. It reminded me of the movie Psycho.

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