Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where are you going, where have you been?

This essay was very interesting and to my liking, the dialect makes the time period evident from which this essay was written. Most likely the time period is the 60’s or 70’s.
The girl Connie was very self involved, even cocky. She only worried about herself and her appearance. Her relationship with her family was almost non-existent. Her sister was the complete opposite of her, fat and unattractive. Her mother seemed as if she was jealous of her. I think that her mother was probably like her when she was young.
When the two men appeared on her doorstep, all she though about was how she looked. She didn’t even think about the potential danger she may be in.
When she went to the door and started to have a conversation with the driver I though that she was really stupid. Hasn’t her mother ever taught her not to talk to strangers? The man came off as a sweet talker who was trying to kidnapped or do damage to her.
The guys were very awkward and scary. The author described every element of their appearance which made it easy for me to picture them. I have a feeing that the Arnold Friend was not who he said he was because he was obviously trying to portray someone younger. His sunglasses hid his eyes and his “soul.” The way he walked suggested that he maybe had an injury in one of his legs. His ability to know many things about her also frightened me. How did he know so much?
After Connie realized she was in danger, I want to know what happened to her when she tried to call someone. Why couldn’t the man come in and get her. Maybe, it would then be seen as kidnapping. And since she walked out and got in the car he didn’t do anything.
Connie really changed throughout the story. She was once arrogant and self-involved and then she changed into a more selfless person. She thought about her family and sacrificed her life for theirs.

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